Issue 106

Set In Stone is a bespoke fabrication + design studio.

The fabrication and business of hand crafted goods connects us to our own humanity and to each other’s. We are doing more than just making “stuff”. We are challenging our modern cynicism and jaded consumer culture. We feel that our work tells a story of locality, community, and life. it is a reflection of our shared humaness.

Some Things Worth Sharing:

  • In this essay Sara Hendren explores what it is to actually talk about and describe a design or an object. This is a really great article… Vocab Lesson

  • We love stories of “adaptive reuse” and renewal, especially when they maintain so much of the history and character of a place. This hotel is a fine example… Trevarefabrikken

  • This is a borderline silly project, but I find the concept and execution intriguing. Overtreder W has designed a temporary cabin out of borrowed materials and straps… Ephemeral Buildings

  • Here is another Overtreder W project, just because. This is a large public pavilion designed from the outset to be disassembled and reused or composted. And it is beautiful… RAUM Pavilion

  • Here is an insightful conversation on communicating through drawings. Nothing fancy or flashy, just good solid thinking… Drawing

  • Projects like this are often just aesthetic statements more than they are actually trying to resolve a need, but sometimes I am ok with that… Nordic Pavillon

  • Updating Dieter Ram’s 10 Principles

Have a Great Weekend.

michael snyderComment