Notes of Enthusiasm - Issue 038

We Help You Create Spaces with Soul.

Details matter; your space should speak to you and about you. We make that happen through honest materials and experienced craftsmanship.

This Weekend’s Digressions…

  • the world’s whitest white paint could have significant impact on energy usage in urban settings. That’s pretty cool…

  • for those of you inclined to know how everything works, here is wonderful site for you; the secret life of components …

  • how much do you think about the “front door experience”?..

  • here is a great little off-grid, prefab, transformable cabin…

  • M. C. Escher would be proud of this library in China…

  • an extraordinary interplay of light and shadow in this Japanese remodel…

  • find a little bit of serenity and drama in this incredibly mesmerizing time lapse video… 

Who We’re Loving on Instagram…

  • a fantastic collection of space, light, textures, and materials… @atlierluke

This looks like a fine spot for a meal.

This looks like a fine spot for a meal.

michael snyder