Notes of Enthusiasm- Issue 021

Image by gamagapix from Pixabay

Image by gamagapix from Pixabay

"Nature is more complex than anything humans could imagine, but nature is precisely as complex as it needs to be and not one bit more, which makes it simple."
Jonathan Harris – Simplicity


Weekend Diversions…

  • Let’s start this off with a beautiful little video about a beautiful little cabin… the ANNA cabin

  • Its funny, I am not a particular fan of Thom Mayne’s architecture, but I really like his drawings. Arch Daily did a little article on his drawings, but a quick Google search reveals even more gems…

  • I also found this good article on Thom Mayne…

  • Here is something a bit out of the ordinary for us; it is a rather crass and entertaining article on mental health and building resilience. I apologize for the profanity, but there is still some truth to be learned (but ignore the workaholism stuff)…

  • I really enjoyed this article based on Daniel A. Barber’s book Modern Architecture and Climate: Design Before Air

  • Sorry if you are getting tired of the a-frame articles but here is a good DIY story…

  • a NPR interview with one of our heros Yvon Chouinard…

Who We’re Loving on Instagram…

  • a beautiful feed of the beautiful work of Collaborative Design Office… @colab_tulum

michael snyder